Pet Daycare Services
Flexible Hours
Drop-off & Pick-up 5AM-9PM daily
Vet Access
24/7 veterinary clinic access for peace of mind
Outdoor Play Area
Fully covered and heated for all weather
Package Deals
Flexible usage schedule
Save $42!
- 5% off regular price
- 1 free nail grinding service
- Valid for 6 months
Save $168!
- 10% off regular price
- 4 FREE daycare days
- 2 free nail grinding services
- Valid for 12 months
Special Add-Ons
Medication Administration
$5 / dayAdminister medication to your pet
Peanut Kongs
$5 / dayKong toy with treats and peanut butter (heavy chewers favorite!)
Pumpkin Dunkin
$5 / dayKong toy with treats and pumpkin (recommended for sensitive stomachs)
Doggy Gelato
$5 / dayDog ice cream handcrafted locally by Swell. Various flavors available (pumpkin cheddar, banana peanut butter, sweet potato, and triple berry special)
$5 / dayAll-beef chews that are slow baked without any artificial processing (heavy chewers favorite)
Getting Started is Easy
Create Account
Sign up online to get started with our services
Send Records
Email us vaccination records with clear expiration dates
Book Service
Book online or call us to schedule your visit
Drop Off & Pick Up
Visit us anytime between 5AM-9PM daily
Free trial daycare visit recommended!