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A passionate pet groomer specializing in curly-haired dogs, Selenne brings years of pet care experience and CPR certification. Selenne specializes in bath and brush for curly haired dogs.


Curly-Haired DogsBath & BrushCPR CertifiedShih TzusPoodlesGolden RetrieversDoodlesYorkshire Terriers

About Sel

Hello my name is Selenne, and I've been grooming for about two years, but have been in the dog industry as soon as I could legally work. I have a CPR certification for dogs I received in 2024. I really enjoy grooming curly haired dogs, as they tend to have a very dramatic transformation with blow drying and brushing. My favorite part about grooming are the dogs I get to see regularly! I love creating a relationship with them, and seeing them grow with the experience. When it comes to anxious animals, I try to come from a place of empathy – animals advocate for themselves in very limited ways compared to humans, and I assess body language to see if it's safe to continue! A tip for parents: I wish more parents knew about conditioning spray! It can save a lot of time and fussing! It makes it a much easier experience.

Photo Gallery

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Sel - Photo 11